Saturday, January 3, 2009

Staying Busy

Winter brings cold and snow and ice and salt.
Running around in the snow is fun, however, keep an eye on your dogs feet for ice buildup. It can accumulate and cut into the dogs skin between their toes.
Trimming your dogs hair and spraying your dogs paws with a non-stick cooking spray can help with preventing buildup.
Running your dog on ice can cause your dog to slip and cause muscle and ligament damage. Indoor activities are saver until the ice has melted. Salt on the roads and sidewalks will hurt your dogs pads and you need to wash their feet when returning home.
There are products available that can be applied to your dogs feet for protection. If your dog does not mind booties you are one of the lucky ones.
If your dog has a short hair you will need to put on a winter coat to keep him warm.
To keep your dog from getting bored train some tricks that you have put on your list to teach. is a great place to find winter tricks.
Play nose games, target games, recall games, hide and seek, obedience and much more.
Keep Warm!